Weed Control Techniques

Remember that weeds can also provide habitat for native animals, if there is not a lot of native vegetation around.  So, before you start…….click here

The Manual Weed Control Methods illustrated below are demonstrated in our short films under Basic Weeding  Techniques. Films showing control methods specific to particular weeds can also be viewed.


Any part of the plant capable of reproducing (ie tubers, rhizomes, seeds, berries or other propagules or the entire plant) should be placed in a suitable bag and removed off site. Other debris material can be mulched on site.



• The plant should be small enough to ensure the entire root will be removed, or

• The plant should not be able to resprout from any remaining root system

Tools and Equipment

• Gloves, knife, hand trowel or similar


• Rake back ground mulch

• Insert knife or similar tool and loosen the soil around the plant roots. Keep soil disturbance to a minimum

• Grasp the stems or leaves of the plant at ground level and pull while freeing the roots with the knife

• Remove the plant and shake off excess soil

• Replace disturbed soil and any ground mulch



• The underground meristematic (growing heart) part of the plant only needs to be removed, or above ground in the case of palm species.

• The plant should not be able to resprout from the remaining root system

Tools and Equipment

• Gloves, knife


• Rake back ground mulch

• Grasp the plant at ground level gathering the stems or leaves together.

• Insert a knife so as to cut the root system below the crown or underground stems

• Remove the plant whilst cutting the lateral roots

• Ensure the knife is used for cutting rather than levering

• Replace the disturbed soil and ground mulch



• The plant has a root system of underground rhizomes, tubers or similar organs from which new plants can reproduce.

Tools and Equipment

• Gloves, hand trowel, knife or similar


• Rake back ground mulch

• Grasp the plant at ground level gathering the stems or leaves together.

Insert a knife so as to cut the root system below the crown or underground stems. At ground level and using the appropriate tool, clear the soil from around the immediate root zone of the first rhizome or tuber.

• Trace the underground lateral stems / roots and remove any secondary rhizomes or tubers

• Remove the roots, rhizomes, tubers and any attached soil

• Replace the disturbed soil and ground mulch


• When using herbicides, handling and cleaning procedures should be undertaken in accordance with the label and the herbicide’s Material Safety Data Sheet. Material Safety Data Sheets are made available by the manufacturer.

• Read the label before opening the container and follow the instructions exactly.

• Herbicides are poisons, and should be handled with the greatest respect. They can be absorbed very easily through the skin, by breathing the vapours, and by ingestion.

• Wear protective clothing: long sleeves, long pants, sturdy shoes, gloves, eye protection. Always wear waterproof gloves. A respirator is advised when mixing or pouring the liquid

• Wash skin and equipment afterwards. Wash contaminated clothing separately.

• Clean up any spills, includng on your skin, with large amounts of water, or by shovelling up contaminated soil and disposing of it at the tip.

• All herbicide application mentioned in these methods refer to the use of glyphosate360-based products only, unless otherwise stated



• The stem is too small to be frilled with a chisel, yet large enough to be scraped without cutting right through

• The plant has aerial tubers which will drop and germinate if the plant is physically removed or the stem is cut through, and

• The herbicide is mixed to the recommended ratio

Tools and Equipment

• Knife, herbicide and herbicide applicator, appropriate clothing and safety wear


• Scrape along the stem of the plant for approximately 150mm to expose the vascular tissue

• Apply herbicide to the exposed vascular tissue within 30 seconds after beginning the cut.

• Do not take any further action or disturb the plant until it is completely dead

• Any dead material which may be a fire hazard (eg. vines) should be removed for a distance of at least 6 – 10m from a property boundary



this is also called ”skirting” in relation to vines

• The plant should not have aerial tubers

• The weed debris will not substantially increase the local fire hazard, and

• The herbicide is mixed to the recommended ratio

Tools and Equipment

• Appropriate tools to cut stem (knife, secateurs, loppers, bush-saw or folding saw), herbicide and herbicide applicator, appropriate clothing and safety wear


• With a flat cut, cut the stem/trunk as close to the ground as practicable, below any branching stems or side shoots

• Apply herbicide to the exposed vascular tissue within 30 seconds after beginning the cut.